Sunday, December 29, 2019
These females in STEM increased their job offers in only 2 hours
These females in STEM increased their job offers in only 2 hursThese females in STEM increased their job offers in only 2 hoursTheres new science-backed evidence that diversity training workshops work. For a paper tischset to be published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, researchers decided to test their experimental prejudice habit-breaking intervention at STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) departments where women are historically underrepresented. Women are almost half of the U.S. workforce, but theyre 39% of chemists, 28% of environmental scientists, and 12% of civil engineers. In fact, 40% of women engineers quit the field or will never use their degree.But researcher Susan G. Devine and her colleagues found that an intervention designed to break gender biases could make a difference. They split up 98 UW-Madison STEM departments into those who would receive a two-and-a-half hour gender bias-breaking workshop and a control group. Prior resear ch into these type of interventions found that it would increase awareness of gender bias and foster a sense of belonging for the women who took it. But the researchers wanted to go one step further and the measure the structural impact of diversity training. They measured the increase in women hires in STEM departments that got the training. Those hours of training made a lasting difference. Before the intervention, both groups in the study were hiring about a third of women. Two years after the intervention, departments that got the training were hiring 47% more women while the control group was still stagnant. Though the results did not achieve statistical significance due to sample size, they do have practical significance for any workplace seeking to stop bias. Heres how you can adopt the steps in their gender habit-breaking intervention.Awareness that people may discriminate against youThe first step in the studys was to teach participants how to become aware of when one is vu lnerable to unintentional bias. Before the workshop, participants had to take a test on their own gender biases to see how they fared. After that, they listen to feedback on how they could improve. The workshop itself began with outlining the stakes how gender bias hurts the overarching goal of advancing science for humankind. Learning to recognize what bias looks likeThe next step was to teach participants how to understand the consequences of unintentional bias. Participants learned about stereotypes relevant to STEM fields and how they manifest in the workplace. Participants would also discuss case studies with discriminatory outcomes to practice identifying what gender bias looks like. Practice fending off biasThe final step was putting what they learned into practice, so that participants could leave the workshop with effective strategies to reduce the impact of unintentional bias. These evidence-base strategies ranged from stereotype replacement to perspective taking and incre asing opportunities for meeting with people unlike you. Finally, researchers had participants commit to a call to action. Participants all wrote statements about how they would work to reduce gender bias in their personal and professional lives. The participants taking this test may be rocket scientists, but what these clear steps show is that breaking stereotypes shouldnt be rocket science. At their core, these strategies are asking us to pay attention to the impact of our words and behavior on others. It shows us that gender biases arent permanent- they can be broken. By becoming more aware, we can break bad habits and change the course of our careers, and the careers of others.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
150 CEOs to sign groundbreaking pledge for workplace diversity
150 CEOs to sign groundbreaking pledge for workplace diversity150 CEOs to sign groundbreaking pledge for workplace diversityWith Mondayslaunch of theCEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, more than 150 CEOs announced that they pledge to to take specific actions to improve diversity and inclusion at their companies, in what the campaign is callingthe largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Companies from more than 50 industries are represented, anda conference for signatories will reportedly beheld in fall 2017.The pledge, which details the initiativesspecific goals, says thatsimply put, organizations with diverse kollektivs perform better.It seeks to increase equity for all, and makes sure to specifically highlight people with the following backgrounds and characteristics people of Black, Asian, Latino or Native American descent women members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer, or LGBTQ community veterans and the disabled.Tim Ryan, the U.S. Chairman and Senior Partner of PwC and chair of the steering committee for the CEO Action for Diversity Inclusionreportedly started the initiative following a series of police-involved shootings that sparked national conversation, which led him to create company-wide discussions on race in July 2016. Ryans early efforts to assemble of group of companies was highlightedin Fortunein February.Tim Ryan commented onCEO Action for Diversity and Inclusionin a statement.We are living in a world of complex divisions and tensions that can have a significant impact on ur work environment. Yet, its often the case that when we walk into our workplace where we spend the majority of our time we dont openly address these topicsCEOs across the country understand this isnt a competitive issue, but a societal issue, and together we can raise the bar for the entire business community. By sharing best known actions and programs, we are helping to create a more inclusive en vironment that will encourage all of us to bring our greatest talents, perspectives, and experiences to the workplace, Ryan said in a statement.Who is involvedThe initiative is headed up by CEOs and executives from companies like PwC, Deloitte US, BCG, EY, General Atlantic, Accenture, New York Life, Procter Gamble and The Executive Leadership Council.CEOs from Adobe, ATT, American Express, CBS, Delta Air Lines, Dennys, Gannett, DuPont, The Home Depot, General Mills, Lehigh University, United Airlines, and Viacomhave also signed on, to name a few.Specific steps companies have taken to advance diversity and inclusion- as well as the results are outlinedin the actions section of the website.What the companies promise to doThe pledge outlines three main goals to keep making businesses open spaces to have conversations about diversity and inclusion, to incorporate and increase unconscious bias training programs with educational resources accessible on the website for free, and to raise awareness of practices that have gone well and havent. The companies who have signed on will develop accountability systems to monitor the efforts undertaken, and to let others know about whats going on.The nature of unconscious bias trainingFacebook, which has reportedly struggled with its diversity numbers before, put unconscious bias training videos online in 2015.Since bias can manifest in different ways - frequently unintentionally - four kinds are highlighted in the videos wertmiger zuwachs, performance attribution, competence/likeability tradeoff, and maternal.Maxine Williams, Global Director of Diversity at Facebook, commented on bias in an articlefor PDT Global.She said that people in minority groups are often not given the same opportunities as they are held to stricter and higher standards, based on whats proven and not what they are capable of as a result of bias and stereotyping, which is sabotaging corporate efforts to create more inclusive environmentsUnconscious b ias training helps to not only make more objective decisions, but enables them to question whether they are being fair and consistent in their evaluations, Williams said.Business Insider reportedthat according to Williams, more than 90% of executives and more than 50% of all employees have taken the course, and that learning and development team has adapted it to each of the 30 countries in which we have offices.Initiatives like these are especially important, especially because some employees have said that they dont needmore diversity.Theres another step that should be in the pledge Whether its in the form of affinity groups or diversity pledges, its important to support diverse employees after theyve finished the hiring process. Hiring isnt enough. People continue to need outlets for support once the position kicks into high gear.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
When and How to Disclose Your Salary Requirements
When and How to Disclose Your Salary RequirementsWhen and How to Disclose Your Salary RequirementsSome job postings ask you to include a dollar amount that you expect to earn as a salary, or they may even ask you to include your salary history when you apply for the position. You may notlage feel comfortable about this, so how do you know when and how to disclose your salary requirements when you apply for jobs? Why Companies Want Your Salary Information Companies request salary information for various reasons. If your salary requirement (or salary history) is too high, employers can screen you out because they dont want to pay that much, or because they think you wont be happy working for less money. On the other hand, if your salary requirement (or your salary history) is lower than the company is willing to pay, they may offer you a lower salary than another candidate. In order to avoid being screened out or offered a low salary, you need to be careful how you describe your sa lary information Read below for tips on how to provide this information without hurting your chances of getting a job, while still receiving a fair salary. What Salary Requirements Are A salary requirement is the amount of compensation a person needs to accept a position. Salary requirements are based on several factors such as The industryPrior salary historyPrevious work experienceCost of living Occasionally, an employer might ask you to include yoursalary historyinstead of (or along with) your salary requirements. A salary history is a document that lists your past earnings. The document typically includes the name of each company you worked for, your job title, salary, and benefits package. Is it Legal for an Employer to Ask for Your Salary Requirements? Employers can legally ask you to state your salary requirements. However, some states and cities restrict employers from requesting information about your past salary. Check with thestate Department of Laborin your juris diction for the latest information on this issue as well as the laws that apply in your city and state. Salary Requirements Include or Leave Out? If the job listing doesnt mention it, dont offer any salary information at all. Ideally, you want the prospective employer to bring up the topic of compensation first. If youre asked to include salary requirements with your application, you could ignore the request, but that means you risk not gettingan interview.There are nothing employers like less than when candidates do not follow directions. Its best to follow instructions. However, there are a few ways you can provide the required information while limiting your risk of being screened out or offered a low salary. Tips for Including Salary Requirements When asked to include salary requirements, you can includea salary rangerather than a specific amount. This kind of answer gives you some flexibility and prevents you from locking yourself into a low salary (or being screened ou t for having too high of a salary). This range should be basedon the salary researchyouve done. For example, you can state in your cover letter, My salary requirement is in the $35,000 to $45,000 range.When stating asalary range, make sure that the range is realistic Use salary surveysto determine theaverage salaryfor the position you are interviewing for, or for a similar position if you cant find information on the exact job title.Usesalary calculatorsto factor in cost-of-living expenses and to estimate what you should be paid in a particular location. There are a variety ofsalary surveys and calculators, including industry-specific and geographic resources, available online. Another option is to state that your salary requirements are negotiable based on the position and the overall compensation package,including benefits. Either way, notenzeichen that your salary requirements are flexible. That may help keep you in the running for the position and will give you some flexibility whennegotiating compensationlater on if you geta job offer. Tips for Including Salary History If youre asked to include your salary history, you can also list your previous salaries as ranges rather than specific amounts. But again, always follow any specific instructions about how to include salary history. If the employer gives specific instructions on how to include salary requirements, follow those rules. For example, if he or she says to give a specific dollar amount (rather than a range), do so. No matter how you include your salary history, always be honest. Its easy for potential employers to check yoursalary with previous employers. Any false information will get you screened out of the application process. Where and How to Include Salary Information Salary requirements can be included in your cover letter with sentences such as My salary requirement is negotiable based upon the job responsibilities and thetotal compensation package, or My salary requirement is in t he $25,000 to $35,000 range. Keep your reference to salary requirements brief, so the employer can focus on the rest of your cover letter. If the employer asks you to include your salary requirement in a different way (for example, in your resume), be sure to do so. There are a few ways you can include your salary history. First, you can include the history in your cover letter, briefly stating what you earn now. For example, you might say, I currently earn in the mid-40s. You can also include an itemized list of your previous salaries (or salary ranges), either in your resume or on a separatesalary history pagethat you enclose with your resume and cover letter.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
11 Employees Share Their Best Work Productivity Hacks
11 Employees Share Their Best Work Productivity Hacks11 Employees Share Their Best Work Productivity Hacks Its all too easy to get distracted at work. Whether your coworkers conversation is drawing your attention or you see the siren call of a Facebook notification, sometimes it can seem all but impossible to keep calm and carry on working. So, we turned to 11 hard workers and got their top productivity hacks so that you, too, can stay focused on the job. If a task can be completed in less than two minutes, then I finish it immediately. It doesnt matter if its watering the plants or writing an email, I do it right now. If I postpone behauptung small tasks, I experience the so-called snowball effect and its harder for me to concentrate and finish each one of the other tasks on my to-do list. - Harriet JonesI leave my phone in my bag and only take it out at lunch time and breaks. This cuts down on the temptation to check Facebook or group chats. I also put it on si lent so I cant hear the tempting notifications of the group chat- it can wait until lunch time. - Teresa WalshDaily and weekly tasks can often feel daunting if you dont know where to start. So, for my weekly tasks, I begin each week by writing down known tasks. Each task gets evaluated by three categories time sensitive, most important, or least desirable. The most time-sensitive task usually wins that No. 1 task spot, but I have a rule that least desirable task must also be in the top five. Otherwise, Ill push it down the list and never get it done. - Bethany EpleyWe have an open-plan office, so its easy to get distracted by coworkers conversions and music. I always keep my headphones at my desk, in case I need to turn on an ambient noise Pandora station and really get focusing on what needs to be done. - Nicole LetendreTo be my most productive at the office, I plan for 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity at some point throughout the day. Whether thats going to the gym or for a walk around lunch time, I find I am more productive when I break up my day like this. I think that taking time to get your muscles working and get your blood moving helps invigorate your mind as well as your body- not to mention, the endorphins your body is producing while you are active helps to better manage stress and improve your mood. - Jeff Hands6. Reward yourself when work is done. I set specific goals for myself and use food as the reward. For example, Ill say to myself, I need to finish X task in two hours, and when Im finished, I can eat my favorite snack. Food is a great motivator I stay on task if I know my favorite food awaits. - Laura MacLeodMy favorite productivity hack is spending the last 10 minutes of my day planning the next day. All too often I think people waste time at the start of their day thinking about what theyre going to do that day. But by creating a simple to-do list at the end of each day, you can hit the ground running as soon as you get into your place of work. The first hour is hugely important in ensuring productivity for the rest of the day. - Jason Scott8. Ignore your phone when it rings. I dont answer any calls unless they are in my schedule. This prevents time from escaping, unscheduled tasks from occurring, and keeps me focused on scheduling all items that have priority. Even in emergency situations, I plan time to address it. - Violette de Ayala9. Automate your industry notifications. To eliminate distractions and still stay up-to-date with trends in my field, I use Feedly, an app that collects and organizes articles from around the web for me to read- when I have the time. - Samar Birwadker10. tischset yourself up for success on Friday. Every Friday, typically in the afternoon, I spend an hour going through my email and file messages or delete messages I no longer need. It helps me stay on task and organized while also cleaning and weeding out what I do and do not need in my inbox. - Caitlin MorseI gather up everything I may need for the next few hours at the start of the day. Drinks, snacks, tissues, a pad of paper, pen, phone- everything. This keeps me from taking breaks that turn into never-ending escapades. - Jennifer Pike
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Fight Against Resume Writing Services Reviews
The Fight Against Resume Writing Services Reviews Its possible a top-rated company with a tall price fails to supply you with the precise content you need and a company at the base of the list can fulfill your requirements. Have a look at our price calculator to discover what your perfect price for the paper is Youre able to discover top resume reviews and writing services that supply the very best quality at inexpensive rates. Actually, prior to making an order its possible to find a price quote on your essay. You would like an organization thats going to involve you in the writing process. Whether youre going with a business or an individual resume writer, you need to make certain that they are perfectly matching your requirements. The business utilizes an individual approach to each customer and customizes every resume. Before you choose to go at any organization or professional, just take a look at their skill, qualification, and experience. The Upside to Resume Writi ng Services Reviews The standard of your resume will have a significant impact on how soon you figure out how to secure work. You could be writing your very first CV or you might be improving your existing one. Custom writing means a critical company with high standards. The majority of the resumes writing services dont provide the chance of direct contact by making use of their writers. What About Resume Writing Services Reviews? Whether youve got to create a paper of special flawlessness, just get an essay here and our writers will provide help. In fact, a seasoned writer can get the job done much faster than any student as theyve been writing academic assignments during their entire life. Importantly, if you prefer, your resume writer may consist of industry-specific keywords into your resume. Resume isnt just a sheet of paper wherever your details are given. The variety of services is among the biggest we have observed, offering discounts in the shape of packages and r espective career level alternatives. Careers Booster is among the hardly any services with a live chat and telephone number, permitting you to get in contact with them and get immediate response to your questions. You can also select additional services or choose a package at a discount. Most services provide package deals which include more than one service. You might be attempting to tailor your CV to a specific job. Having reviewed hundreds of CVs the Adducology consultants are the ideal people to request advice and to offer you that second opinion thats often so important if searching out that dream job. Bear in mind that recruiters may see the name of the file that you send them and also try to remember they get a great deal of resumes every single day. So if youre not certain where youre going to work, they can produce the job seeking easier If it is only one bad review it could be worth doing just a little research as all of us recognize that a few folks just cant b e pleased and theres always one difficult customer. In any event, be cautious of sites which offer resume help but have a whole lot of errors on their own pages. If youre good at writing a resume, then youre able to take assistance of a professional resume review services. So, besides checking the search results, its essential to look at the feedback of former clients. When evaluating resume writing services you will find there is an excellent difference in how each company prices their expert services. 1 thing to be noted here is that you could need a number of services and not only a resume. By checking out all features and services a lieferant offers, were getting sufficient info to produce a conclusion on which are the best resume services that can enable you to get the job which you are applying for. If youre searching for a resume writing company, then all youll need is to search the internet. There are some resume writing companies which do not provide expedited servi ces. As a very first thing, you would love to go ahead exploring different things only in the event the service provider is providing the services that you want. Google best many exceptional qualities to aid you in finding just what youre services for. You might find also some extra services. Obviously, the effect of such quick sharing of information results out in the kind of high number of applicants for each job opening. All your proposals will be full of powerful summaries that highlight the advantages of picking your bid. By keeping the above mentioned demand in view, plenty of inexpensive resumes andonline resume writing services are offered for the ease of candidates, but it isnt easy for all of the jobless candidates to bear the excessive professional resume writing rates. The organization has a whole lot of issues.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
A Simple Tip About Resume Summary Examples Explained
A Simple Tip About Resume Summary Examples Explained Understanding Resume Summary Examples Even though a standalone objective meinung was once standard practice on resumes, its now obsolete, meaning that a well-written breakdown of your experience is essential to catching the eye of any prospective employer. Youre able to select the resume promote that specializes in the kind of career youre maddening to pursue. Resume writing for career change shouldnt need to be a big challenge. On the flip side, functional resumes are normally used by fresh graduates or those who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. The Argument About Resume Summary Examples A summary statement is a brief expert introduction you could increase the peak of your resume. Many things, including the simple fact which you will not have written a summary before. Bear in mind, it is a summary So when you start preparing your resume, make sure you compose a resume summary thats related to the sort of position which you have applied for. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the possibilities of them noticing what youve got to offer from the beginning. If you dont find out how to enhance your resume, utilizing the most suitable words and keywords are of genuine importance. There are several different formats and kinds of resumes to use, and which you select can depend on lots of factors. A History of Resume Summary Examples Refuted Resume is a sort of document employed by individuals that are seeking for employment. Resume objectives are from time to time regarded as the old schooltype of resume. Even if you just happen to neglect to incorporate the education section whatsoever. Putting key accomplishments and great use of language is essential. Resume Summary Examples for Dummies Your resume objective needs to be relevant and targeted to every different job prospect. As soon as you have your objective statement listed, you wish t o include any expert experience you have thats related to the position. Technically, a resume summary is not anything more than a quick introduction of what your professional standing is, and the way you want to use accumulated skills and experience to add to the organization that will gradually hire you. Consider your own work experience, and where you are able to quantify it. New Ideas Into Resume Summary Examples Never Before Revealed Opening a resume with blocked information isnt such a good idea. Something of lots of importance for resumes is to ensure your information is explained and quantified. You have to offer relevant, concise details. If you are searching for additional info on writing a resume summary statement, LiveCareer is a superb resource. Resume Summary Examples No Longer a Mystery You must consider writing a bit more different resume within different jobs, a modern resume vorlage will be quite useful in doing this. Resume summaries are rather underrate d. The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. Consider whether it should in bullet or paragraph form yet surely a summary does not have to be in full sentences, the main thing is the fact that it comprises a comprehensive thought and an understandable clause. You may want to think about a qualifications summary which we outlined in last weeks postbut if only you need to have a summaryhere are a number of examples to help you begin. Help the recruiter to fully grasp how you made decisions previously. Now imagine if this SAME resume had had a summary statement on top clearly outlining why youre an ideal candidate. The Basics of Resume Summary Examples No matter your degree of experience or accomplishment, a well-written resume is the secret to landing the customer service job that youve been looking for. To compose the objection section of a customer service resume, you want to determine the important tasks to be carried out at work. If this is the case, youre going to want to emphasize a number of the soft skills commonly needed for customer service employees, such as being a great communicator and having strong interpersonal skills.
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